Custom URL name for our Google Page

Bitten By Design’s business page on Google now has been updated to be a vanity URL the next step is to start populating it with some extra pics, more detailed info and update the page with some better graphics! I would really appreciate any +1s you add as well, it would help me track…

Recent picture post trend

It came to my attention that for several weeks in a row I had posted a drink in the sun photo or a photo with some form of alcohol in it. Let me be honest, I rarely drink much these days and did not intend to look like some alcohol fuelled sunbathing machine. 😉 Although…

Testing out the quality of my own zazzle store shipping and products!

To cut a long story short, I decided to do a little customer experience testing on my zazzle store. Aside from USPS losing my first package (I do recommend the extra for FedEx shipping if you are buying a gift or wanting something you can track) the experience has been pretty smooth. I received plenty…

The Bitten By Design Zazzle store is now a ProSeller Store!

After a couple months of high sales through the store, starting with a surprising result in the lead up to last Christmas, the Bitten By Design Zazzle store has been awarded ProSeller status in recognition of sales. It will mean an increase in appearance of the store within the zazzle website search results, leading to…

Free book on graphic design / Graphic Design: A Journey by Nicholas Turner

I am just finishing off the final two chapters in my book on graphic design. Anyone interested in a free digital copy when it is released? Just let me know and I can email out a download link to anyone interested when it is done! I offer a 100% money back guarantee with this offer.…