Semipermanent Sydney 2012

Look at this! Semipermanent has rolled around again for Sydney in 2012. You better be quick to pick up your tickets, don’t forget that AGDA members get treated to a discount, meaning you really have no excuse to attend.

Semipermanent Sydney 2012

Look at that! Semipermanent has rolled around again for Sydney in 2012. You better be quick to pick up your tickets with the early bird pricing about to close, don’t forget that AGDA members get treated to a further discount, meaning you really have no excuse to attend. Today saw the arrival of my tickets…

Semipermanent Sydney 2011

In the words of Justin Timberlake: YEAH BITCHES! This is looking like it’s going to be another good year for the event! And no, I didn’t spend the entire conference on my mobile tweeting about it…