You know the chair, it looks awesome, it makes your studio look cutting edge. It costs a designers monthly wage (or more) and comes with a pedigree of an industrial designer ethos. It makes the standard office chair look dull, boring and not at all sexy. The problem is that this uber-cool chair invariably isn’t as adaptable as the office chair when it comes to performing its main role.

As a youngster, I saw the dominance of music videos and the all powerful MTV make new bands into sensations. The internet has now brought us a totally different method of finding new bands rather than being fed the product that the record labels wanted us to see and purchase.

We can see through the thinly veiled marketing ploys and manufactured pop stars. We want more but we also want something different to what is being shoved into our ears

This is not so much of an issue as most studios are pretty flexible with clothes as long as they’re neat. I tried to get other designers I know to do a formal Friday rather than a casual Friday, and even I struggled with that. After that a super casual Friday dubbed, ‘flanny Friday’ was born.

One of the best tips I ever received was to dress for the job you want rather than the one you have.