As Seen In Desktop Magazine

As seen in desktop magazine here

Most designers will at some point be asked to develop a design for a particular content management system (CMS) like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla or any number of a hundred others. Your client has asked you to design a theme for WordPress. Where do you start? Before you get your pens and paper madly working away, you need to know if you CAN do the theme.

Getting stuck at the last minute with a looming deadline trying to learn .PHP programming code is not something anyone wants to go through.

One of the best e-books I have found for WordPress development is How to be a Rockstar WordPress Designer. Not only does the name sound pretty cool, but the book is a straight forward practical process of the things you need to do, with lots of explanation as to why each process was done. You will need to know a bit of HTML and CSS otherwise it may be a bit over your head. These days, most designers have to know a bit of code.

This is a great reference and one that will help ease you into making your own themes. The satisfaction of having built everything and not having to rely on a programmer cutting it up for you is quite substantial.

It also means you know what does and does not work with the CMS and the scope of things you can actually do with it.

Recently the book has been updated for 2010 with the new WordPress functionality covered, but if you have already bought a copy, you can get the new updated version for free. Pop over to their website to find out more.

Can anyone recommend other good books like this one?